Discourse: stages of exhaustion

For all those of you, dear readers, that dwell in the northern hemisphere, the spring is rolling in hard, with sun, warmth and budding nature. Yet something opposite of wake-up happens, perhaps not to all, but to some of you for sure: exhaustions. The inexplicable wish to stay in, curl up and hibernate, no matter …

Discourse: Attack on Humanism, 2018 edition

First things first, definitions - so we would all be on the same page. Humanism is defined as "a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasises the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition." (Nicolas Walter Humanism – What's in …

Tales of Travel: Istanbul (I): Fearless discourse on freedom and equality

I’ve been traveling again, this time to a place that I can safely now cross off my bucket list: Istanbul. Former Constantinople, Constantinya, the Golden Horn and many other names this city had over the centuries. There’s undoubtedly a sort of energy here, something deep, old and pounding, like a heart under your feet that …